Seder is special.  Most Jews think about it as the holiday where we are with our families, celebrating at home.  It is also the perfect way to understand what it means to be Jewish – for ourselves and for our guests.

There’s something more that compels us to conduct a Seder.  Each year, we sit down to the table as part of an unruly tribe, a group of slaves, a loose confederation at best.  We ask questions, observe the Plagues, escape ancient Egypt.  We come out as full-fledged Jews.  Each year, we relive this new identity, we cross the Desert out of oppression. This is why we eat matzah – we are renewing our relationship with our Creator and with our family. 

What does this have to do with dispelling the misconceptions and misunderstandings that can lead to anti-Semitism?  To get to truly know what a Jew is, you need to walk in our shoes. To walk in our shoes, you need to take this journey of our creation beside us, as our friends.  The Haggadah is the perfect tool that has been handed down through the generations to guide all of our guests through this journey.

We’re here to help you too. If you participate in 2 for Seder, the Kit will be the second tool designed to help all your guests get the most out of this year’s Seder.

So welcome two of your friends, neighbors, co-workers to your Seder this year (or if you aren’t hosting, bring them to a community Seder). Together we will practice Tikkun Olam – and heal our little parts of the world.