Thousands participated in almost 1,000 Seders during Passover 2019. There were bridges built with Love and Matzah impacting thousands across almost every state and province. This map shows where you built bridges across two countries. This is a solid and meaningful impact as part of the Jewish tradition of Tikkun Olam – healing your little corner of the world. Put them together and we move mountains.
979 Seders participated in 2 for Seder. This includes Community Seders (with more than two participants) as well as home Seders. That’s at least 2,000 bridges built to our friends of other faiths!
53 Partners from the Jewish Community including multiple ADL chapters, Jewish Federations, JCCs and synagogues.
20+ News Stories about 2 for Seder
930+ Facebook Followers @2forseder
44 participating States
5 participating Provinces
419 Impacted Cities and towns worldwide (including in Israel, Germany, Russia, South Africa, and Great Britain)
See our interactive map for a state/province breakdown.
Yasher Koach (thank you in Hebrew) to all who participated and supported this year. Together we have made an incredible start. With more than 50 partners from Jewish organizations across the US and Canada, there are multiple activities for interfaith relations to participate in.
Should we continue 2 for Seder next year? Should we have other grassroots programs to fight back against anti-Semitism and hate? Please take our survey (it will take less than 5 minutes) and let us know how to make this start as effective as possible.
You made an impact with love, education, and understanding. You built bridges to your neighbors. Love is not a weapon, but I strongly believe it’s much more powerful. Stay strong and know that you made a difference. We’re just getting started – Together.