Contemplating Contemplation

Contemplating Contemplation

Elul has begun!  As Jews, this is a traditional time of self-reflection to prepare for the High Holidays where we ask for forgiveness from family, friends, and G-d. Ample time for self-reflection and quiet contemplation is a side of Judaism that COVID has...
Action Tip 9: Spirit Night!!

Action Tip 9: Spirit Night!!

Despite the heat, it’s almost Fall!  Local groups and clubs are exploring ways to safely resume their activities.  School is starting up again soon, albeit virtually in many areas.  “Spirit Nights” are a type of fundraiser that supports a group at a local restaurant. ...
Acton Tip 8: Is Your Alma Mater Supportive?

Acton Tip 8: Is Your Alma Mater Supportive?

Going to college is going to look different this year.  Regardless, my alma mater has already sent multiple letters and emails asking for donations. At that same time, reports of harassment of Jewish students from fellow students and even faculty are steadily...
Action Tip 7: Masks and Tikkun Olam

Action Tip 7: Masks and Tikkun Olam

Wearing a mask helps save lives. We acknowledge that masks are uncomfortable, especially in these hot summer months.  It’s challenging to wear one for a long period of time or even for a few minutes under the sun. This Week’s Tip: Actively thank those...
Action Tip 6: What Happened to Bari, Nick and DeSean?

Action Tip 6: What Happened to Bari, Nick and DeSean?

As the pandemic rages and we look for ways to keep shining a light on racism, it’s a failed hope that anti-Semitism is fading off into the distance.  The past two weeks have been rife with stories about anti-Semitism. This Week’s Tip: Read the news about recent...

Action Tip 5: Take a Leap of Food

This week’s Tip is to take a leap of faith and food.  As many of us are starting to go back to restaurants (while socially distancing of course), this is a perfect time to try a new cuisine. Try the food, then introduce yourself to the owner.  Are these family...
Action Tip 3: Follow It!

Action Tip 3: Follow It!

We know you’re busy.  Quickly finding people across faiths who believe in the concept of Tikkun Olam (repairing your corner of the world), especially while we are apart, helps bolster our strength and bring us together. Interfaith groups are located in almost...
Action Tip 4: Collect Together

Action Tip 4: Collect Together

COVID-19 impacts us all.  Food insecurity is a major challenge cutting across all cultures and religions – and some of us who used to donate to charities, are now in need of their services. While most of us can’t heal the sick, we can help our neighbors...
Action Tip 2: Make an Extra This Shabbat

Action Tip 2: Make an Extra This Shabbat

Some of us are baking more than ever while we are apart. If you are baking challah, make an extra one this Shabbat and give it to a different neighbor of another faith each week (within COVID safety protocols of course). Explain what making and eating challah means to...
Action Tip #1: Listen to Jews of Color

Action Tip #1: Listen to Jews of Color

At this moment, listening to our fellow Jews of Color helps us see the current crisis through Jewish eyes. Jews of Color are subject to both racism and anti-Semtism, sometimes overtly, sometimes subtly. We want to support Jews of Color in our marches, in our...